NOVA Membership

For information, please visit NOVA’s Alternate Website:

As you are ready to join ACI and NOVA, go to “Join ACI Today.” Fill out the form as indicated. If you do not fill out a required field, a prompt will alert you.

When you reach the "Dues" portion of the form asking which "Local Club" you would like to join, select Northern Ohio Virtual Airstream Club $10.00 USD from the dropdown. 

ACI dues are $75, and NOVA dues are $10.00. Your Total Dues Selected will be calculated as $85.00 USD.

Once your personal information has been completed, and ACI has received your fee, they will send all you a new member packet with your big red numbers (BRN). NOVA will receive your updated information, and we will add you to our roster and send out welcome and member information.

Current ACI members who already have a home club can join NOVA as an affiliate. Following this link to find out how.

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact NOVA Membership Chair Suzie Couger at

Visit NOVA's Alternate Membership Page