Rally dates: Friday, June 7 – Monday, June 10, 2024
We will be camping at Brannan Island State Recreational Park.
You can find out about the park and campground and make
reservations here: https://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=487. Details
about the campground and the recommended sites for the rally are

  • This will be a ‘boondocking’ rally with no hookups. You must select "camping" to see these sites. If there is availability, consider Cottonwood Campground, but Willow is also good.
  • The McFarlins will be camping in site #C069 – feel free to gather in the same area or choose one of your choice.

This rally will be very low-key and casual in a ‘Just Camping’ format.
There won't be a formal schedule of events. Happy hours and meals
will be ad-hoc.
No fees will be collected by GBAAC for this rally and no Jotform will
be sent out. Please simply email me, eleanormcf28@gmail.com to
let me know that you have reserved.
John and Eleanor McFarlin, Greater Bay Area Airstream Club